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50 livros selecionados para auxiliar na compreensão de conceitos, desenvolvimento tecnológico de projetos e capacitação na área de digestão anaeróbia e produção de biogás.
Biometanação Do Efluente Lácteo Por Reator Uasb Bifásico
Este estudo examinou a viabilidade da aplicação do biorreator UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) com separação de fases incluindo acidogenesis/methanogenensis, para tratar efluentes lácteos. A indústria leiteira é uma das principais agroindústrias em todo o mundo. Ao mesmo tempo, a indústria leiteira é uma das indústrias mais poluentes, não só em termos de volume de efluentes gerados, mas também em termos de características. Muitos métodos de tratamento estão disponíveis para tratar estes resíduos, mas os métodos de tratamento anaeróbico parecem ser mais viáveis para o tratamento de resíduos lácteos, assim como para a recuperação de energia durante este processo. Entre os tratamentos anaeróbicos, os reatores UASB de duas fases trabalham eficientemente para tratar também para mitigar a questão da acidificação do efluente lácteo.
Anaerobic Digestion: From Biomass to Biogas
With the growing demand for renewable, sustainable and efficient energy, biogas is one of the most promising methods to meet global renewable energy goals. Anaerobic Digestion: From Biomass to Biogas provides a comprehensive and systematic guide to developing and implement technology for biogas. This book gives a brief overview of biogas as an energy alternative, discusses biomass resources, basic biogas science and engineering, feedstock characterisation, storage, pretreatment and yield optimisation. Plant design, development and process control, emissions, digestate quality, engineering, process optimisation, land use and fertilisation are also included. Biogas generation, cleaning, upgrading and use as a transport fuel are also discussed. Anaerobic Digestion: From Biomass to Biogas is a practical guide to biogas technologies for process developers, producers, industrial chemists and biochemists, biologists, researchers, and academics in this area.
Bioenergy Production by Anaerobic Digestion: Using Agricultural Biomass and Organic Wastes
Interest in anaerobic digestion (AD), the process of energy production through the production of biogas, has increased rapidly in recent years. Agricultural and other organic waste are important substrates that can be treated by AD.
This book is one of the first to provide a broad introduction to anaerobic digestion and its potential to turn agricultural crops or crop residues, animal and other organic waste, into biomethane. The substrates used can include any non-woody materials, including grass and maize silage, seaweeds, municipal and industrial wastes. These are all systematically reviewed in terms of their suitability from a biological, technical and economic perspective. In the past the technical competence and high capital investment required for industrial-scale anaerobic digesters has limited their uptake, but the authors show that recent advances have made smaller-scale systems more viable through a greater understanding of optimising bacterial metabolism and productivity. Broader issues such as life cycle assessment and energy policies to promote AD are also discussed.
Emerging Technologies and Biological Systems for Biogas Upgrading
Emerging Technologies and Biological Systems for Biogas Upgrading systematically summarizes the fundamental principles and the state-of-the-art of biogas cleaning and upgrading technologies, with special emphasis on biological processes for carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), siloxane, and hydrocarbon removal. After analyzing the global scenario of biogas production, upgrading and utilization, this book discusses the integration of methanation processes to power-to-gas systems for methane (CH4) production and physiochemical upgrading technologies, such as chemical absorption, water scrubbing, pressure swing adsorption and the use of membranes. It then explores more recent and sustainable upgrading technologies, such as photosynthetic processes using algae, hydrogen-mediated microbial techniques, electrochemical, bioelectrochemical, and cryogenic approaches. H2S removal with biofilters is also covered, as well as removal of siloxanes through polymerization, peroxidation, biological degradation and gas-liquid absorption. The authors also thoroughly consider issues of mass transfer limitation in biomethanation from waste gas, biogas upgrading and life cycle assessment of upgrading technologies, techno-economic aspects, challenges for upscaling, and future trends.
Providing specific information on biogas upgrading technology, and focusing on the most recent developments, Emerging Technologies and Biological Systems for Biogas Upgrading is a unique resource for researchers, engineers, and graduate students in the field of biogas production and utilization, including waste-to-energy and power-to-gas. It is also useful for entrepreneurs, consultants, and decision-makers in governmental agencies in the fields of sustainable energy, environmental protection, greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, and strategic planning.
Biomethane: Production and Applications
This book discusses biomethane and the processes and applications downstream from biogas production. Biogas is a result of anaerobic digestion of agricultural or general household waste, such as manure, plants or food waste, and as such is considered a renewable energy source. Biomethane is a gas that results from any process that improves the quality of biogas by reducing the levels of carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, moisture and other contaminant gases. Chemically, biomethane is the same as methane, and its name refers to the method of production rather than the content.
Biodigestores associados à suinocultura
Os dejetos da pecuária suinícola constituem um dos mais sérios problemas ambientais, uma das tecnologias aplicadas de grande efeito para minimiza a poluição é o Biodigestor, um equipamento que dar-se-á possibilidade dos dejetos passarem por um processo de digestão anaeróbia visando à geração de biogás como fonte alternativa de energia e a redução da matéria orgânica poluente, transformando-a em um excelente fertilizante natural livre de contaminação chamado de Biofertilizante. A Tecnologia Social Biodigestor, através dos benefícios supracitados, garante a preservação ambiental, geração de renda e a consciência ecológica de toda comunidade envolvida.
Tratamento de efluente de fecularia em biodigestor com agitação
O berço da formação étnica brasileira é europeu, com hábitos de consumo americano, que valoriza a energia centralizada que provoca dependência. Energia elétrica se compra da fornecedora, petróleo da Petrobrás, gás da distribuidora. O petróleo está sujeito ao mercado internacional e tem dias contados para terminar. A biomassa pode ser produzida onde houver condições naturais. Democratiza a utilização de energia, reduzindo custos de produção onde houver disponibilidade ou o aproveitamento de subprodutos que às vezes são dispostos no meio ambiente, gerando desequilíbrios prejudiciais. A legislação impõe regras para o tratamento destes subprodutos, que geram custos. De outro lado está a necessidade de energia. Por que não fazer o encontro da obrigatoriedade do tratamento com a produção próprio de energia. Na prática biomassa são dejetos animais, resíduos industriais, restos vegetais e animais. Milhares de toneladas de dejetos animais são lançados no ambiente, causando maus odores, gerando moscas e poluindo á água, o solo e o ar. Se fermentarmos os dejetos em biodigestores estaremos diminuindo muitos desses problemas e ainda produzindo energia.
Dimensionamiento y diseño de biodigestores y plantas de biogas : Biodigestores - manual de diseño (Version 2020)
Manual práctico de diseño con mas de 450 páginas sobre biodigestores tropicalizados tipo laguna, apropiados para paises tropicales. Contiene recomendaciones y procedimientos para el dimensionamiento, diseño y construcción de biodigestores industriales para la producción de biogás el que se aprovecha como combustible en generadores para la producción de electricidad o de calor en calderas.
Incluye varios ejemplos de dimensionamiento de biodigestores industriales para el aprovechamiento de purines de cerdo, gallinaza, estiércol de ganado y mezcla de varios sustratos.
Incluye esquemas y fotografías para el diseño de biodigestores.
El libro esta compuesto de 17 capítulos que cubren la producción de biogás, dimensionamiento de biodigestores, construcción del muro perimetral, usos del biogas, operación y mantenimiento.
Estudo da viabilidade econômica para implantação de um biodigestor
A partir da comprovação da viabilidade econômica do uso de biodigestores, várias cidades do Paraná já utilizam o método. O funcionamento consiste basicamente em transformar fezes suínas em energia renovável através do subproduto da biomassa, o biogás. Além desse, outro subproduto que pode ser utilizado é o biofertilizante - ótimo substituto para o fertilizante comum. A base desse trabalho toma como princípio a caracterização da região de estudo com posterior dimensionamento do biodigestor de estilo canadense. A partir dos cálculos, constatou-se que a quantidade de energia utilizada mensalmente na propriedade é de 449,7 kWh/mês, que é menor que a quantidade que seria produzida, aproximadamente 2.706 kWh/mês. Dessa forma, o excedente mensal seria de 2.256,3 kWh/mês que poderia ser vendido para a COPEL mediante chamada pública - o valor adotado para fins de cálculos foi de R$ 0,30. Com base nisso, o tempo de retorno, levando em consideração as economias na conta de luz e na quantidade utilizada de botijões de gás, seria em torno de 11 meses, tornando viável a implantação desse meio de energia renovável nessa propriedade rural no interior do município de Nova Prata do Iguaçú - PR.
Anaerobic Digestion Processes: Applications and Effluent Treatment
This book presents new application processes in the context of anaerobic digestion (AD), such as phosphorus recovery, microbial fuel cells (MFCs), and seaweed digestion. In addition, it introduces a new technique for the modeling and optimization of AD processes. Chapters 1 and 2 review AD as a technique for converting a range of organic wastes into biogas, while Chapter 3 discusses the recovery of phosphorus from anaerobically digested liquor. Chapters 4 and 5 focus on new techniques for modeling and optimizing AD. Chapters 6 and 7 then describe the state of the art in AD effluent treatment. The book's final three chapters focus on more recent developments, including microbial fuel cells (MFCs) (Chapter 8), seaweed production (Chapter 9), and enzyme technologies (Chapter 10).
Anaerobic Biotechnology: Environmental Protection and Resource Recovery
Environmental protection and resource recovery are two crucial issues facing our society in the 21st century. Anaerobic biotechnology has become widely accepted by the wastewater industry as the better alternative to the more conventional but costly aerobic process and tens of thousands of full-scale facilities using this technology have been installed worldwide in the past two decades.
Anaerobic Biotechnology is the sequel to the well-received Environmental Anaerobic Technology: Applications and New Developments (2010) and compiles developments over the past five years. This volume contains contributions from 48 renowned experts from across the world, including Gatze Lettinga, laureate of the 2007 Tyler Prize and the 2009 Lee Kuan Yew Water Prize, and Perry McCarty, whose pioneering work laid the foundations for today's anaerobic biotechnology. This book is ideal for engineers and scientists working in the field, as well as decision-makers on energy and environmental policies.
Methane Production Guide - how to make biogas. Three simple anaerobic digesters
Methane or biogas is a colourless, odourless, flammable gas and the main constituent, 85% to 90%, of the piped natural gas that we use in our homes in the UK, Europe and the USA.
Methane can be made using simple apparatus and a process known as anaerobic digestion. Anaerobic digestion is one of the most common biological procedures in nature, as the name implies, it means to carry or breakdown in the absence of air. Once you know the principles of this process it is possible to make biogas in small or large quantities from a variety of waste materials. The book describes making an anaerobic digester using an oil drum and a rubber inner tube as the gas storage vessel as well as a larger continuous digester. The book also contains diagrams, list of materials and websites for further reading.
The gas produced can be used for cooking and heating and even for running a gas engine.
Anaerobic Biotechnology for Bioenergy Production: Principles and Applications
Anaerobic biotechnology is a cost-effective and sustainable means of treating waste and wastewaters that couples treatment processes with the reclamation of useful by-products and renewable biofuels. This means of treating municipal, agricultural, and industrial wastes allows waste products to be converted to value-added products such as biofuels, biofertilizers, and other chemicals. Anaerobic Biotechnology for Bioenergy Production: Principles and Applications provides the reader with basic principles of anaerobic processes alongside practical uses of anaerobic biotechnology options. This book will be a valuable reference to any professional currently considering or working with anaerobic biotechnology options.
Biogas Systems in China
This book derives an explicit analytical pattern (or framework) that permits the examination and optimization of biogas production systems. It provides a concise overview of the current status of biogas and biogas coupled agricultural systems in China, and introduces evaluation methods for energy efficiency, environmental emissions, economic performance and sustainability assessment approaches. Based on empirical studies, it also explores future options for the system development by focusing on emissions mitigation, biogas energy efficiency and system sustainability. Systematic methods of life cycle assessment and thermodynamic analysis may provide new angles for biogas system evaluation. The system discussed is not only a biogas producer, but also a biogas-linked ecological agricultural system, which has the potential to broaden the applicable scopes of renewable energy and eco-agricultural management. The comprehensive, in-depth knowledge and experience presented provide new analytical approaches for researchers in relevant fields and shed light on the construction and operation of emerging anaerobic digestion and biogas industries. This book is a valuable resource for researchers focusing on biogas system modeling, project managers and policymakers.
Biogas Production Using Geomembrane Plastic Digesters as Alternative Rural Energy Source and Soil Fertility Management
Master's Thesis from the year 2008 in the subject Agrarian Studies, grade: Very Good, course: Tropical Land Resources Management, language: English, abstract: Abstract The study was conducted in North Wollo, Mersa-Chekorsa village, Ethiopia in 2006/2007, where animal dung for biogas production is available. The overall objective of the study was to introduce economically feasible, technically acceptable and environmentally friendly biogas plant to the farming community and other potential users in Ethiopia. The research was carried on two types of biogas plants of 3m3 capacity (1) geo-membrane plastic (two single and two double layered) biogas plants constructed below and above the ground surface and (2) fixed-dome biogas plant. Each bio-digesters was fed with a mixture of 75Kg of cow-dung and 75Kg pure water at equal volume and proportion. Amount of gas and slurry were measured using calibrated biogas burner and weight balance respectively. The quality of the slurry (i.e. total-N and organic matter content) were analyzed in the laboratory using Kjeldahl and ash method respectively. The bio-digesters were compared after gas has completely produced at the end of 40 days of fermentation with respect to amount of gas and slurry produced, quality of slurry in terms of total-N and organic matter content. Economic analysis of the bio-digesters was carried out using cost-benefit analysis. The social aspect of using biomass and biogas technologies and environmental impact assessment of the new geo-membrane plastic biogas technology was also assessed. The emissions of CO2 and CH4 were computed by measuring the production of biogas in the two models of bio-digester. Fermented slurry contained larger nitrogen content than fresh cow dung in both models of bio-digester. The geo-membrane plastic biogas plant gave higher net benefit than fixed-dome biogas plant. So, from this, investment on geo-membrane plastic bio-digester is economically feasible. Environmental impact assessme.
Statistical Optimisation of Medium Variables for Biogas Production
The use of environmental and nutritional factors to optimize fermentation conditions, are important for application of bioprocesses. To optimize these processes using conventional techniques, for example the one factor at a time method, is time consuming and laborious. Statistical design of experiments has become popular for medium optimization in industry since this allows the investigator to assess more than one factor at a time. This method is a time saving and effective method for the screening significant factors of a multivariable system. This book reviews the latest research on statistical optimization of total biogas produced by Clostridium beijerinkii and Clostridium paraputrificum utilizing N-acetylglucosamine as the main carbon source. Individual chapters cover different stages in the optimization design. The Plackett and burman screening design was used to identify significant medium constituents. The information gathered from each stage of an optimization process was used for the next stage of optimization. In addition to presenting recent research in this area, this book also contains important discussions on the potential benefits of using statistical optimization design over the traditional one factor at a time optimization method.