3nd International Workshop Waste 2 Energy

Tempo de leitura: aproximadamente 2m20s

Será realizado no dia 26 de setembro de 2022. O evento irá discutir sobre bioenergia e bioprodutos e a transição para uma economia circular.

3nd International Workshop Waste 2 Energy
Foto: Divulgação/ Laboratorio BIOTAR & Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
Laboratorio BIOTAR & Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie

3nd International Workshop Waste 2 Energy

Bioenergy and Bio-products for a Circular Economy Transition 

The circular economy plays an essential role in materials reinsertion in a productive chain, and it is a supportive way to achieve economic growth and change the linear economy based on fossil resources.

The reuse of by-products from conventional industrial processes as feedstock in innovative technological routes leads to a novel approach for biorefinery development in the circular economy. An integrated close-to-zero waste system exploiting a sequential process with anaerobic digestion can be proposed as a model system for the circular economy transition.

Implementing anaerobic digestion technology can be a strategy for the management by-products and the recovery of biogas and digestate. The biogas produced can be upgraded to biomethane, electricity, and thermal energy. The use of biogas can be an alternative to the decentralized production of electric energy, supporting the diversification of energy resources. Thermal energy can also be used by the industries. It can avoid the use of natural gas-based on fossil fuel, which is an environmental perspective to decrease greenhouse gases emissions.

Therefore, the development of a new management system based on anaerobic digestion could be a sustainable model to contribute to the development of the agriculture and food sector by decreasing the wastes generated and reducing the greenhouse gas emissions by producing renewable resources and marketable products, reaching the goals of the circular economy.

Abstract Submission

Abstract submission for Poster presentation is available to participants registered in the PRESENTIAL modality of the 3rd International Workshop Waste 2 Energy

Deadline for submission: 08/01/2022 - 09/15/2022


The event will have the honor to receive researchers of national and international excellence. The speakers will bring the newest information about Waste 2 Energy technologies and the recovery of bioenergy and bio-products.

Access here

Organizing Committee

The organizing committee is composed by researchers, professors and students:

    • William Gustavo Sganzerla from University of Campinas (UNICAMP, Brazil) and University of Cadiz (UCA, Spain)
    • Tânia Forster-Carneiro from University of Campinas (UNICAMP, Brazil)
    • Maria Thereza de Moraes Gomes Rosa from Mackenzie Presbyterian University (Campinas, Brazil)

    Evento:   3rd International Workshop Waste 2 Energy
    Quando:   26 de setembro de 2022, das 8h às 18h (horário de Brasília).
    Onde:   This is a Hybrid Event. With online streaming and Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Campus Campinas
    Realização:   Laboratorio BIOTAR & Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
    Idioma:   Evento será transmitido em Inglês
    Inscrições:   Clique aqui

    Fonte: Laboratorio BIOTAR & Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Publicado em: 02 de agosto de 2022.

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