BR-UK Energy Collab. Forum: Carbon capture and Biofuels with FSbioenergia

Tempo de leitura: aproximadamente 2m9s

Evento on-line e gratuito ocorrerá na quarta-feira, 13 de julho às 10h. O Fórum sobre captura de carbono e biocombustíveis tem por objetivo desenvolver a parceria Reino Unido-Brasil no mercado de energia, criando oportunidades de negócios para a cadeia produtiva.

BR-UK Energy Collab. Forum: Carbon capture and Biofuels with FSbioenergia
Foto: Divulgação/ Energy Industries Council (EIC)
Energy Industries Council (EIC)

Brazil-UK Energy Collaboration Forum - Perspectives on carbon capture and Biofuels with FSBioenegia

The main objective is to develop the UK-Brazil partnership in the energy market, creating business opportunities for the supply chain. 


This event is free of charge.

Please book your place here: 

Organized by the EIC in partnership with the British Chamber of Commerce in Brazil, this free-of-charge event aims to be a forum of collaboration in the Energy sector between the United Kingdom and Brazil.

Operators and contractors active in Brazil will share their activities, projects and business opportunities, followed by presentations from suppliers, to an audience formed mostly by suppliers of goods and services.

The main objective is to develop the UK-Brazil partnership in the energy market, creating business opportunities for the supply chain.


    • Welcome – EIC - Clarisse Rocha
    • Introduction – Câmara Britânica de Comércio e Indústria no Brasil - Britcham - Carlos Peixoto
    • Opening remarks - DIT - Anjoum Noorani- HM Consul-General in Rio de Janeiro – Department for International Trade (DIT) UK in Brazil
    • Overview of the Brazilian Market – Isabella Sena - ABiogás - Associação Brasileira de Biogás
    • Perspectives on carbon capture and Biofuels with FSbioenergia - Milas Evangelista de Sousa and Erick Marques FS Bioenergia
    • Q&A and Virtual Networking


This is a free-of-cost event.

Partnership opportunities are available. Please contact

Would you like to be a speaker at our event? We still have slots available for co-hosts.

Supporting Partners:
Brazilian Chamber of Commerce in Great Britain, Subsea World Brazil Magazine, TNPetróleo, EPBR and CTQFF

    Webinar:    Brazil-UK Energy Collaboration Forum - Perspectives on carbon capture and Biofuels with FSBioenegia
    Quando:    Quarta-feira, 13 de julho de 2022, à 10h (horária de Brasília).
    Onde:   Transmissão on-line
    Realização:   Organized by the EIC in partnership with the British Chamber of Commerce in Brazil.
    Idioma:   O evento será realizado em inglês.
    Inscrição:   Reserve sua vaga aqui.

    Fonte: Organized by the EIC in partnership with the British Chamber of Commerce in Brazil. Publicado em: julho de 2022.

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